Kerala Pulaya Mahasabha
The Kerala Pulaya Mahasabha (KPMS) was established in 1970 with the aim of unifying the Pulayars of Kerala and bringing about social reforms. The Kerala Pulaya Mahasabha was formed under the leadership of P.K.Chathan Master, who was the Minister of Local Self-Government and Scheduled Caste Welfare in the first cabinet of Kerala. Under the leadership of P.K.Chathan Master, the Pulaya organizations in the Kochi and Travancore regions were coordinated and formed into a single organization in 1970.
PSC Questions
1. Organization established with the aim of unification and social reform of the Pulayars of Kerala - Kerala Pulaya Mahasabha
2. Year of establishment of the Kerala Pulaya Mahasabha - 1970
3. The person who led the formation of the Kerala Pulaya Mahasabha - P.K.Chathan Master
4. Place where the first branch of the Kerala Pulaya Mahasabha was started - Venganur
5. Mouthpiece of the Kerala Pulaya Mahasabha - Nayalapam
6. First President of the Kerala Pulaya Mahasabha - P.K.Chathan Master
7. First Secretary of the Kerala Pulaya Mahasabha - Chandrasekhara Shastri