Huns Invasion of India
When the Gupta Empire declined, North India and the Deccan regions were divided into many independent kingdoms. Kingdoms such as Malavam and Vakadam gained power. The Huns also became dominant. The Huns were a primitive race that arrived from Central Asia to the central parts of Europe in the 4th century AD. A section of them attacked India and Persia, but Skandagupta defeated them. Later, the Huns, who entered India in large numbers, conquered Gandhara and defeated the Kushans and Shakas. In the 6th century, the Hun leader Toraman conquered Punjab and Rajputana and ruled with the title of 'Maharajadhi Rajan' with Sialkot as the capital. After Toraman, his son Mihirakulan became king in 510 AD. With the death of Mihirakulan, the Hun dynasty declined and was uprooted by the invasion of the Turks. The Gupta Empire collapsed with the arrival of the Huns.