Harshavardhana Empire
The glory and tradition of India that had been shattered after the Gupta period was restored by Harshavardhana, a king of the Pushyabhuti dynasty. Harshavardhana assumed power in 606 AD when he was only 16 years old. The first capital was Thaneswar. Later, the capital was chosen as Kannauj. Harshavardhana is considered to be the last Hindu emperor of North India. It was during Harshavardhana's reign that Xuanzang visited India. In 641 AD, Harshavardhana sent a mission to China. Harshavardhana was also the first Indian ruler to establish diplomatic relations with China. Mahendravarman I and Pulikesi II were contemporaries of Harshavardhana. The Sanskrit plays written by Harshavardhana are Ratnavali, Priyadarshika, and Nagananda. Banabhatta was the main poet in his court. Harshacharitam and Kadambari are works written by Banabhatta. Harshavardhana was defeated by the Chalukya king Pulikesi II in the battle of the Narmada basin.