Gupta Empire (AD 3rd Century – AD 550)
After the collapse of the Mauryan Empire, India did not experience a stable government until the establishment of the Gupta Empire in 320 AD. Historians describe the Gupta period as the golden age of Indian history. The major kings who ruled the Gupta Empire were Chandragupta I, Chandragupta II, and Samudragupta.
■ Founder of the Gupta Empire - Srigupta
■ After Srigupta, Ghatotkacha gupta ruled.
■ Both of them adopted the title of 'Maharaja'.
■ Fa-hien described the Gupta Empire as the "Land of Brahmins".
■ Nalanda University was established during the reign of Kumaragupta.
Chandragupta I (AD 320 - AD 350)
■ Adopted the title of Maharajadhiraja.
■ Chandragupta I began the Gupta era in A.D. 320.
■ The Mehrauli inscription glorifies Chandragupta's achievements.
Samudragupta (AD 350 - AD 375)
■ The 'Allahabad Stupa' describes the achievements of Samudragupta.
■ The 'Allahabad Stupa' was written by the famous poet Harisena, who was his audience.
■ Samudragupta was known as 'Kaviraja'.
■ Coins issued during Samudragupta's reign depict him playing the veena.
Chandragupta II (AD 375 - AD 415)
■ Known as Vikramaditya.
■ Coins issued during his reign depict him fighting a lion.
■ Chandragupta II was also known as Devarajan.
■ The Gupta period is known as the 'Golden Age' of India.
■ The court of scholars known as the 'Navaratnams' adorned the court of Vikramaditya.
■ The famous Chinese traveler Fa Hian visited India during the reign of Chandragupta II.
Gupta Period Navaratnas
Kalidasa, Dhanvantari, Kshapanaka, Amarasinha, Shanku, Vetalabhatta, Ghatkarpara, Varahamihira, Vararuchi
Major Works of the Gupta Period
■ Kalidasa - Shakuntala, Malavikagnimitra, Vikramorvasiya, Kumarasambhavam, Raghuvansam, Meghadoot, Ritu Samharam
■ Visakhadatta - Mudrarakshasam, Devichandragupta
■ Shudraka - Mricchakadika
■ Bharavi - Kiratarjuniyam
■ Dandi - Kavyadarshanam, Dasakumaracharita
■ Bhasa - Charudatta
■ Subandhu - Vasavadatta
■ Vishnu Sharma - Panchatantra
■ Amarasingha - Amarakosham