Gautama Buddha founded the Buddhism. Hinayana and Mahayana are the major sections of Buddhism. Pagoda is the temple of Buddha Religion. The Eightfold Path, Ashtanga Marga is the base of Buddhism. Jataka Tales are the story about earlier lives of Buddha in both human and animal forms. Edwin Arnold, an English poet mentioned Buddha as Light of Asia. Magadhi Prakrit, is supposed to be the language spoken by the Buddha. It is during the Fourth Buddhist Council, Buddhism is divided into two as Hinayana and Mahayana. The Triple Gem of Buddhism is Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. The houses of Buddhist monks are known in the name of viharas and their temples are called as Pagodas. Tripitaka is known as the holy book of Buddhism followers.
About Buddha
In 563 BC, Siddhartha was born with all kinds of good fortune as the son of Shuddhodhana, the leader of the Shakya dynasty and the ruler of Kapilavastu, and Mayadevi. Since he was born into the Shakya dynasty, he was also known as Shakyamuni. However, Siddhartha was not interested in pleasures from childhood. Siddhartha, who was always thoughtful and silent, makes his father feared that Siddhartha would leave home. So the father married him to Yashodhara at the age of eighteen. Once, while walking along the road, the sights he saw made Siddhartha sad. After that, Siddhartha, who was silent, left all pleasures, his wife, and his son one night. Siddhartha immersed himself in intense meditation to find the ultimate truth. While meditating under a Banyan tree in Bodh Gaya (Bihar), he attained unsurpassed, supreme enlightenment, thus Siddhartha became the Buddha. After enlightenment, the Buddha's first sermon was in Sarnath, near Varanasi. The Buddha's sermon was in the common language of the people, "Ardhamagadhi". He strongly opposed the religious and social evils that existed at that time and the caste system in the Hindu community. Believing that the cause of all human suffering is desire and that only by giving up desire can the problems of life be solved, he proposed the Ashtanga Marga as a solution. Thus, Buddhism was able to spread throughout the country. Buddha died in Kushinagar (Uttar Pradesh) in BC 483. The death of Buddha is known in the name of Parinirvana. The incident that Buddha left his house and palace and had taken the sannyasa life is known as Mahaparithyaga.
Buddhism is based on the principle of the Eightfold Path. The Three Jewels of Buddhism are the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. The event when the Buddha renounced everything, left the palace, and took up sannyasa is called the "Great Renunciation." The death of the Buddha is known as "Parinirvana." The Buddhist scriptures are the "Tripitaka".
Buddhist principles
The basic principles of Buddhism are four. These are called the "Four Noble Truths".
1. Worldly life is full of suffering.
2. Craving is the cause of suffering.
3. The cessation of suffering is the elimination of craving.
4. The Eightfold Path is the way to destroy craving.
Eight Fold Path
1. Right Belief
2. Right Thought
3. Right Speech
4. Right Action
5. Right Life
6. Right Effort
7. Right Remembrance
8. Right Meditation