Atma Bodhodaya Sangham

Subhananda Gurudevan was a social reformer who dedicated his life to eradicating immorality and superstition. Born in 1882 in Budhannur near Chengannur into the Sambhava community, Shubhananda Gurudevan formed the Atma Bodhodaya Sangham. The Sangham was established in 1926 for social change based on spirituality. Shubhananda Guru also accepted the message of Sree Narayana Guru that there should be one caste, one religion, and one God for humanity. In 1932, he registered the Atma Bodhodaya Sangham in Mavelikkara to propagate the idea.

PSC Questions

1. An organization established to fight against superstitions and immoralities - Atma Bodhodaya Sangham

2. A renaissance leader who participated in the Harijan upliftment activities - Subhananda Gurudevan

3. Who is the founder of Atma Bodhodaya Sangham - Subhananda Gurudevan

4. Atma Bodhodaya Sangham was established in ____ year - 1926

5. Headquarters of Atma Bodhodaya Sangham - Cherukole (Mavelikkara)