Alexander Invasion of India

Alexander the Great is one of the greatest rulers in world history. He was born in 356 BC in Pella, the capital of the Macedonian Empire. His parents were King Philip II of Macedonia and the Queen of Epirus. Since childhood, Alexander had been inspired by the Greek warrior Achilles. Therefore, he carried the Iliad with him wherever he went. In 343 BC, Alexander came under the tutelage of Aristotle. His favorite horse was Bucephalus. In 336 BC, at the age of twenty, Alexander became the ruler of Macedonia. In 334 BC, Alexander began his famous campaigns. After conquering the Persians, he entered Egypt. In 331 BC, he founded a city there called Alexandria. In 326 BC, Alexander invaded India. King Ambhi of Taxila surrendered. Several local kings then surrendered to Alexander without a fight. However, Purushottam (Porus), the ruler of the region between the Jhelum and Chenab rivers, faced Alexander but could not hold his ground. Alexander defeated the Indian king Porus in the Battle of the Hydaspes. Although defeated, Alexander agreed to return the territories he had captured to Porus. In October 326 BC, Alexander returned from India. The expedition encountered many difficulties on its journey to Persia via Afghanistan. He died in Babylonia in 323 BC.