Ahmedabad Mill Strike

In 1918, Gandhiji led two strikes in his native Gujarat. One in Ahmedabad and the other in Kheda. Ahmedabad Mill Strike is the agitation between textile mill owners and workers in Ahmedabad. Gandhiji intervened in this wage dispute between the mill owners and workers. Abolition of Plague Bonus is the main reason for Ahmedabad Mill Strike. The mill workers in Ahmedabad went on strike, demanding a wage increase. Gandhiji took up the issue. In 1918, he founded the Ahmedabad Textile Union. He began a hunger strike until death, demanding a wage increase for the workers and improvement in their working conditions. Ahmedabad Textile Mill Strike is the Gandhiji's first hunger strike in India. Finally, the mill owners agreed to a compromise. They agreed to a 35 percent increase in the wages of the workers. Thus, Gandhiji was able to succeed in his first hunger strike in India.